ADAMS Upload

Securely capture and upload photos, videos, and audio from a phone

iPhone (iOS) Android

Adams Upload Phones Adams Upload Phones
  • Photos, Video, Audio
  • Fast Capture
  • Secure
  • Download on the App Store
  • Get it on Google Play

It has never been easier for your officers to quickly and securely capture evidence. With ADAMS Upload they can take photos, record videos, and record audio. Files are encrypted for security and automatically uploaded to the server back at the agency.

Android Adams Upload Capture iOS Adams Upload Capture

Take Photos. Photos taken with ADAMS Upload are not added to the device's camera roll/gallery. The chain of custody starts here.

Android Adams Upload Record Video iOS Adams Upload Record Video

Record video. Capture a crime scene or record an interview.

Android Adams Record Audio iOS Adams Record Audio

Record Audio. Get a statement on-the-spot when it really matters.